How to Protect Yourself from Becoming a Statistic

The majority of people never expect to be assaulted, but, in reality assaults take place every single day all around the world to people who don’t expect it. The secret in reducing your chances of being assaulted is to protect yourself.

If you ever look at the statistics, assaults alone in the United States are alarming. In 2004, there was over 95, 000 rapes with the largest percentage in the Northeast and the highest percentage in July. In 2004, there was about 400, 000 robberies with the highest percentage (38%) in the South. 42 percent of robberies were on public streets while 14% ended up in homes. In 2004, there was about 850, 000 aggravated assaults where guns were used 19. 3% of the time. Knives or cutting devices were used 18. 6%, other weapons (blunt objects, clubs) were used 35. 6% and personal weapons (hands, fist, feet) were used 26. 6% of the time.

Annually there are about 38, 000 carjackings where 74% of victims faced a weapon. Sixty-three percent of car jacking takes place within five miles of the victim’s home, with 17% taking place at or near their home. Sometime carjackings will happen in driveways and only 4% occur over 50 miles from the victim’s home.

To protect yourself of street crimes, there are a number of things you can do to protect yourself. Some are obvious but many times people get comfortable and become relaxed with protecting themselves.

Any time leaving your residence, you should always make certain all doors and windows are closed. Watch for any loiterers in your neighborhood. In no way carry a large sum of money. When ever possible, travel with another person, especially when after dark. At nighttime travel in a well lighted and well traveled streets. Never ever ever hitchhike or accept car rides from strangers. Be wary of people approaching you asking questions; always keep a safe distance. In the event you feel someone is following you, go the nearest occupied building and ask for help. If you are conforted in a dangerous situation, yell “FIRE! FIRE” instead of help. Screaming fire generally gets people attention quickly.

Another option to protect oneself, is to keep a weapon in the residence or carry a weapon such as a handgun or even a Taser m26c. You may also carry something easier to obtain such as a pepper or mace spray.

Safe guarding yourself is about continually paying attention to your surrounding. You should never walk around being paranoid, but you must always be conscious what’s around you and be all set to act.

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